Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kiddo Free

Well here I am all alone. SweetPea is at Mom's for the night and tomorrow they are going shopping for..well.. me!  And it save me on daycare too! Double bonus!  LOL! 

It's been a busy couple of days. Yesterday Mom, SweetPea, and I went to drop off ornaments to Jerry and Larry (Jerry has been cutting our hair for the past 7 years and Larry is his brother who cuts my stepdad's hair) and then we picked up our Angel Food box and then we went to the Gilbert Farmer's Market. Ok maybe it's just me but all the farmer's markets I;ve been to have had tons of produce...Not this one- there was one man who was selling lettuce---absolutely BEAUTIFUL lettuce- but it was $5 a head... sorry not in my budget for lettuce, but oh how I wanted to get one to try. He also had radishes and sweet potatoes. all speciman produce (I'm gonna have to look that up), there was a tamale lady selling her goods for $2.50 for 1/ $13 for 6/ $26 for 12....holy cannoli batman!!  we got 1 each to have for lunch- mom got the regular shredded pork and I got Southwestern chicken with black beans and corn and cheese... AMAZING!!  SweetPea got my kind after trying it. So mom and I closed our eyes and bought 6 to share all while gasping and choking at the price.... but they were oh so good!!  Oh yea, I bought fresh eggs too for $5 a dozen- don't know why that didn't seem to phase me but it didn't and they are so so pretty- white and brown and green eggs. Now if only the inside was green too...  Then we went to Costco for trash bags...$80 later (only $20 was mine) I pulled my back moving a case of water over in the trunk- not lifting the damn things- sliding one 4 friggin inches!!  So now I'm taking Ibuprofen and using generic Ben Gay without the smell. Anyway it was a good day. we had fun and saw some interesting things for sale.

Today I made chicken stroganoff and took that to Mom's for dinner. I have enough for another meal too. I also made our menu for the week...

Sunday: Chicken stroganoff with broccoli salad
Monday: Fettucini Alfredo with meatballs
Tuesday: Chicken Tender Salad
Wednesday: Burgers (probably beef) with waffle fries (we got a 5 lb bag in the box)
Thursday: Au Gratin Potatoes with hotdogs and Mixed veges
Friday: Leftovers of some sort
Saturday: Tacos---yes you read right..tacos on Christmas...we had our traditional meal for         Thanksgiving so now we're having fun. And since my stepdad is going back east for Christmas we're gonna go see a movie too.

Let's see what else has been going on...I worked OT everyday last week. It'll help make up for the furlough this week and a little extra too. Our furlough is Thursday and our paid holiday is on Friday and my vacation starts on the 27th...not bad 11 days off and I'm only using 32 hours of annual leave. Wahoo!!

I had to buy some pants the other day and I have just one thing to say to all the manufacturers out there...Just because the size of the butt gets bigger does NOT mean the legs get longer!!! Why do they think larger women are of Amazon height????? Ok there's my rant for the day. After the new year things are going to be changing...for the smaller!!  :D

Ok- that's it for now... Nite all!


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